Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bartender lets her dogs choose her potential romantic partners

Bartender lets dogs choose potential love prospects
Megan trusts the opinion of her adorable dogs (Picture: PA Real Life)

Would you let your dogs choose your romantic prospects?

Well, Megan Hill, 24, does and is adamant that the approach is a success.

Her friends might think it’s strange, but the bartender truly trusts the opinion of her cocker spaniels, Ben and Ash, when it comes to her love life.

And it seems she is faithful to her word because she has been happily dating a fellow dog lover for the past five weeks.

‘It’s still early days,’ Megan said. ‘But last week, I let him meet the dogs for the first time. It was a make-or-break test for me – whether the dogs would like him. Luckily they loved him.’

Pups Ben and Ash have been constants in Megan’s life. She was just 12 when she got Ben, and they have been inseparable ever since.

Then in 2013, Ben was bred with another working cocker, and Megan kept his pup, Ash. The devotion between the trio is evident.

‘During the lockdown, my dogs have become even more important,’ Megan explains. ‘I was furloughed for much of the past year, so I’ve been around constantly for them. It’s weird being back in the bar. I miss them when I’m gone.’

A bartender who is so potty about her pooches that she lets them pick her boyfriends says letting her dogs decide who she dates has been a great success. While her pals think she is barking mad for seeking relationship guidance from Ben and Ash - her father-and-son working cocker spaniels - Megan Hill, 24, says it works paw-fectly.
Megan with Ben and Ash (Credits: PA Real Life)

Megan ended a nine-month relationship in 2019, so when she decided to try her hand at online dating, it was logical to base her choices upon the recommendations of the dogs.

From the beginning of her search, Megan made sure only to swipe right and interact with ‘dog people.’

‘I waited for the worst of lockdown to be over,’ she said. ‘But about four months ago, I started joining some dating apps.

‘That’s when I realised just how important the dogs were to my dating life.’

She continues: ‘I always make sure Ben and Ash are in my photos and on my profile, and bring them up within the first few messages. I also scroll through every picture of my potential date, looking for any sign that he’s an animal lover.’

However, at times, the hunt has been a struggle and for the most part, Megan would enjoy an evening with her dogs much more.

‘I’d much rather curl up on the sofa and watch Lady and the Tramp with Ben and Ash than go out on a date,’ she explained.

‘My dogs are my world and it’s so important to me that they like my date. If they didn’t take to him, I’d have to stop seeing him.’

While Megan is happy with her life as it is, having someone who loves spending time with Ben and Ash would be a bonus.

‘If I can bring someone into that who will love spending time with Ben and Ash as much as I do, then that will be perfect,’ she said.

A bartender who is so potty about her pooches that she lets them pick her boyfriends says letting her dogs decide who she dates has been a great success. While her pals think she is barking mad for seeking relationship guidance from Ben and Ash - her father-and-son working cocker spaniels - Megan Hill, 24, says it works paw-fectly.
These dogs may be the best judges of character (Picture: PA Real Life)

‘I struggle with anxiety, and my dogs are very emotionally supportive for me. I don’t know what I’d do without them; they are my babies.’

It might be early days in the romance, but Megan feels the new man in her life may be a lucky one.

The suitor has met both dogs and got on brilliantly, meaning she has no regrets about letting her dogs have a say in her love life.

‘People who don’t have dogs don’t understand what it’s like,’ she added. ‘They’re like my children.’

‘The pair of them sleep right by my bed at night, and I’m never without them. They’re even trained to take my socks off!

‘Anyone coming into my life will come second to them because they’re my main priority, and I wouldn’t change that for anything or anyone.’

A bartender who is so potty about her pooches that she lets them pick her boyfriends says letting her dogs decide who she dates has been a great success. While her pals think she is barking mad for seeking relationship guidance from Ben and Ash - her father-and-son working cocker spaniels - Megan Hill, 24, says it works paw-fectly.
Ben and Ash are dating experts (Picture: PA Real Life)

Melanie Smith, a pet expert at Webbox Naturals, says it’s common for pet owners to worry about their animals and partners getting along.

‘We’ve seen so many pooch parents struggle to find their match because they fear their dating efforts will be in vain if relations between the partner and pup don’t work out,’ she explains.

‘Many dog owners are turning to virtual dating methods to find that canine connection, which can raise concerns about how the initial partner and pup meeting will go if it can’t occur until deep into the relationship.

‘The key to an instant ‘click’ is to make sure your dog feels safe during the initial meeting.

‘We applaud anyone who wants to put their pet first, so we’d recommend any hesitant hound-owners take things slowly when introducing a new love interest to their pet.’

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