Friday, October 15, 2021

How do you trust people again after you’ve been cheated on?

‘The pain of betrayal runs deep’ Caption: (Picture: Getty/

‘It was devastating,’ says Aisha, 21. ‘The whole incident just destroyed any confidence I had.’

She was 17 when her boyfriend of one year cheated on herwith her best friend at a house party.

As an insecure teenager, she was less bothered about how that made her feel and more bothered about how it looked, and she ended up staying with her boyfriend for another two years in an attempt to piece together her shattered self-image.

It was only when they broke up, after moving to different universities, that Aisha began to really take stock of what had happened and how it had impacted her.

‘There was a strange period of adjustment where I couldn’t trust anyone else,’ she tells ‘I became very bitter and would always convince myself that any romantic or sexual relationship I embarked on would go wrong.’

This is common.

‘When someone’s trust has been violated, they may harbour negative and limiting thoughts, such as: “Everyone is out to get me” and “If I love again, I’ll get hurt”,’ says Stina Sanders, a psychodynamic therapist specialising in relationships.

‘The pain of betrayal runs deep and it can leave you bitter, hurt, angry and even devastated, often causing trust issues to develop,’ she adds.

‘To avoid further rejection and pain, the person with these negative thoughts may develop defence mechanisms such as social barriers. 

‘These mechanisms are the emotional brain attempting to protect them from betrayal.’ 

Often, though – as Aisha experienced – these coping mechanisms make building intimate connections far from easy.

‘Learning to trust again was painful, as it required me to dig up everything I’d surpassed for the past two years,’ says Aisha. ‘I was just so devastated, and spent weeks picking myself apart and comparing myself to the girl i had been cheated on with.’

In order to gain trust again, Aisha had to rebuild her self-worth.

‘After the breakup, I was able to fully grieve the loss of my confidence,’ she tells us. ‘I made it my mission to regain my confidence – and remind myself that I am a pretty decent person – in order to rebuild my trust in others.’

Eventually, Aisha’s confidence in herself resprouted and she found herself able to trust her next boyfriend, albeit less easily than before.

This is one of the most important steps in rebuilding trust in others, among some other practical steps: ‘Take some time for yourself to help regain your self-confidence,’ says Stina.

‘Focus on yourself by starting a hobby, spend time with friends and family or write a list of all your achievements and the positive attributes you have to remind yourself of your worth.’ 

As well as building confidence, which most people will know takes a lot of patience and practice, there are some other practical steps you can take to rebuild trust after being cheated on. 

Learn to communicate

‘If you find that you are very quick to assume everyone is untrustworthy, you may need to take a step back and re-wire your betrayal detector,’ says Stina.

‘There are many people who are trustworthy (if you give them a chance). 

‘Practice communicating what is right and isn’t right for you in a relationship, as well as asking the other person what they expect. 

‘Giving and receiving helps develop trust for both of you.’

Take your time

This isn’t a speedy process.

‘It’s worth keeping in mind that trust is built in stages over a period of time,’ says stina.

‘Building trust includes observing people’s behaviour and attitude towards others, as well as towards you. 

‘Do they show integrity (where their words match their actions)? Are they respectful, loyal and caring? If so, they can earn a bit more of your trust. If not, then they are not to be trusted. 

Push back on self-blame

Stina adds: ‘In the aftermath of cheating, it’s normal to question every single thing in our lives, and it’s so easy to go down the path of self-blame.’

‘This is because feelings of rejection cloud our judgment and our ability to think clearly.

‘I would encourage you to push back on self-blame.

‘This is not your fault: you are not responsible for your partner cheating – that is on them.’

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MORE : The Sex Column: ‘My husband had an affair – so did my new guy. How can I trust him?’

MORE : Are ‘intensely connected’ relationships something to strive for – or is steadiness underrated?

MORE : 11 emotions you go through after being cheated on – and how to handle each one

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