Saturday, July 3, 2021

People have the most sex in July, says survey

couple about to kiss
July is when we get busy (Picture: Getty)

When the temperature gets hot, so do our sex lives.

That’s according to a new study from LoveHoney, anyway, which found that people tend to have to most sexual activity in July, rather than any other month.

In close second is August. Perhaps by the time August arrives, it’s simply too sticky and sweaty to get intimate at the same rate. July is just right.

And in third is June.

The survey of 2,000 people quizzed couples and singles on how often they have sex in each month of the year, and which month they find the sexiest.

July was chosen as the sexiest month by 22% of couples.

The main reason given for this was feeling more relaxed in July, as well as enjoying summer holidays.

Almost two thirds of couples say they have more sex when they’re on holiday.

According to 26% of those polled, we’re hornier on holiday because we also have more time to spare. Makes sense.

Happy lesbian couple romancing standing against blue sky in summer
The hot weather sends all sorts of happy hormones around our bodies – which mean sex is not only more frequent, but better (Picture: Getty Images/Cavan Images RF)

We guess having to get up early for work does put a dampener on things.

But it’s not just the practical side of things that’s to blame – it seems the hot weather does make us a tad more frisky.

Couples reported having sex four times a week in July, 3.7 times a week (on average, they mean – we’re not sure you have 0.7 of a sex session) in August, and 3.2 times a week in June.

It’s January and November – notoriously chilly months – when we have sex the least, with the average reported dropping to 2.3 times a week and 2.1 times a week, respectively.

How often we have sex in each month, on average:

  1. July 4 times a week
  2. August 3.7 times a week
  3. June 3.2 times a week
  4. May 3 times a week
  5. December 2.9 times a week
  6. February 2.8 times a week
  7. September 2.7 times a week
  8. April 2.6 times a week
  9. October 2.6 times a week
  10. March 2.5 times week
  11. January 2.3 times a week
  12. November 2.1 times week

The cold weather exceptions are December, when the average is 2.9 times a week, and February, when it’s 2.8 times. This is likely down to the loved-up vibes of Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

A Lovehoney spokesperson said: ‘Sexual activity tends to peak in the summer months with July the peak month.

‘That’s because we tend to feel happier and more optimistic when the weather is good and the nights are long.

‘That should certainly be true this year as we celebrate coming out of lockdown and enjoy the return of our freedoms.

‘That impacts positively in the bedroom with couples looking to experiment more and try new things.’

As well as having more sex in July, we might also have better sex, due to all the sexy hormones flooding around our bodies as the sun starts to shine.

Young Couple Leaning in for a Kiss
Going on holiday helps, too (Picture: Getty Images/Refinery29 RF)

‘Summer sunshine promotes extra release of serotonin and dopamine,’ psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall tells ‘These are two of the most energising and positive neurochemicals in the human brain.

‘For a healthy sex drive both of these chemicals need to be present in decent amounts, together with some giggles and being relaxed.’

That doesn’t mean we’re doomed to have rubbish sex in the colder months, mind you.

It’s all in your attitude. Sure, the temperatures might not be as high, but you can still dedicate some time to getting passionate and prioritise relaxation. Few things kill a buzz more than stressing about work.

And perhaps schedule in a visit to the bedroom on a Saturday – the study found that’s the most popular day of the week to have sex.

The most popular days of the week to have sex:

  1. Saturday
  2. Friday
  3. Sunday
  4. Thursday
  5. Wednesday
  6. Tuesday
  7. Monday

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MORE : How I Do It: ‘I’m used to no-strings sex, but after lockdown, I want a partner again’

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MORE : ‘He kept his shoes on’: 12 people share stories of their worst one-night stands

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